Monday, May 16, 2011

How To Make Loudspeaker Stand

Another Gorilla

A little bit more practice in Zbrush

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Community Service Completion Letter For Courts

Why vote / not vote for Keiko?

In the first round elections last time, would place a post on why to vote for one of the main candidates for the presidential chair. For reasons of time I had to leave that idea aside, but I think that now is the time to contribute our bit for the electorate, or at least those who read our forum, may have a clearer idea of whom to vote.

First we will look quickly to the first candidate, is the daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori, if every time you hear that name starts out as a bump in the I attribute poto because maybe you were brainwashed with the media campaign, where every time out that logo "fujimontesinistas", or simply because you are young and do not know who left Peru, Alan Garcia in his first government. One of the main problems was the terrorist, if you know how it was that scourge in Peru from 1980 to 1990, here I leave you a video:

On YouTube you can find various videos that give faith of what was happening in our country for those days, and then a brief description of the difficult situation that we passed:

1. The rampant problem of terrorism, which began in the government of Fernando Belaunde and deepened in the government of Alan García. The only measure that was introduced by the famous curfew, by which one could be only until some time in the street after this time the army to comb out the different parts of the capital, the measure was a reverend scraped eggs, and yes you stay around a little extra time at home in your ribs or maybe studying just men, you had to sleep in that house, but I grabbed billets and cinnamon. Despite this measure, Sendero Luminoso and MRTA then shat laughing curfew and began to make their bombs in broad daylight.

2. Urgent action was needed to make. Fujimori took office when he gave a package of laws designed to stamp out this scourge. The problem was that when the Executive if you do not know shit about the executive will tell you referred to the President and his Council of Ministers, was a law, the law must first pass through the Chamber of Deputies, if they were compadres passed according to the Senate, however, the Senate could pass these laws or pulling roche and send the package back to the Chamber of Deputies. One might think that this process took some time to work ... roe!! took months. Saw Fujimori that this ball game was the Reverand lunacy laws and thought of as only having a single chamber: the Senate. Thus it was that came the famous "coup" of April, Chinese, and I put it in quotes because most was a blow to the pockets of all those sons of bitches of Congress who stopped whites instead of working and did not want to leave government teat.

In short, the country needed such legislation urgently, there was no other way to do that by closing the Congress.

3. The shortage of staples. Alan Garcia made several erroneous steps in his first government, such as grant bring bread products, which made what you paid the price just was not real, but only a portion thereof; who paid the rest?? Dad government. This measure was that the government unable to cope with such a financial burden he did was go to the famous little machine, ie to produce notes for mass, but without real substance, this can be explained briefly as follows: If I have say 100 suns, that ticket is not worth poto cleaned because it is only a paper with someone form the pileup, their livelihood is that those 100 suns represent, for example, a small amount of gold that the country has saved reseved in international when there is no support that our money is worthless. This took the country people had money, but money unreal. This caused a very serious inflation problem, which made that many traders were kept things in the hope that the price of it go up the next day. There were also some bastards forced you to buy other things you did not need, for example, if you wanted to buy milk required should buy rice, if not wanted, I fucked that simple.

4. High inflation, we were one of the countries with the world record this shit. I think that almost was 10000%, do not hueveo friend, that happened reality.

These were just some of the gems that received the Chinese in his first term, sometimes the Peruvian has very poor memory or only tend to remember the bad. Thanks to Fujimori was and that could end the terrorism, economic stability was achieved and that the country return to have a place internationally. I realize that in their desire to stay another 5 years in government, did crap to get the third re-election, as saying that the first election did not count because we were still with the previous Constitution of 1979, also the everyday increasingly influential Vladimiro Montesinos in the army and media communication foreshadowed a danger to the common liberties.

Much is also the excesses committed against the war on terrorism, is only here that we were in civil war and there was no other way to combat this scourge. In every war there are casualties, even when relatives of the missing complain because they got to his family, would say only that a family will never speak ill of his family and especially your son or daughter. The leg can be leader of the grafts can be thin and deserves tremendous poto sold every night, but parents are not bad son. Even there are several testimonies certifying that the persons of the Cantuta and Barrios Altos whether they were terrorists, the purchase of statements of former members of the Colina group to say the contrary, it shows a mile away at trial that they did to Fujimori, was in an effort to make impeachment more than anything else. Remember that Alan Garcia was pursued by all the crap he did in his first government of Fujimori, and then the cholo Toledo had not needed more research on certain "expenses" and nonsense that was his wife during his administration, so that the judgment and condemnation of Fujimori fell like a glove.

Well I think that even here I have placed a number of arguments for Chinese, which indirectly affect Keiko as she grew up in the meantime all events and therefore, at least I know that terrorism will not return and we could have a supposed economic boom, but why not to vote for it, here are some reasons:

1. Keiko is Alberto, have the same surname, but I think that perhaps missing his old character, though who knows what would a government course.

2. The Teletubbie is a bit lazy, I think it was an egg of faults to Congress, I know that all the participants eggs, but the gossip was passed. This leaves a bad precedent for how it might develop in the government.

3. Political persecution, if the midwife does not store the bile that is what put him in his old, the APRA party and Toledo, which is not that fucking name is now, will see black, so they go getting his passport as political refugees. Although the excerpts, APRA and are tired of that.

4. Perhaps, due to the passivity that demonstrates, the government may come to pass unnoticed, I hope to fix two issues, which if not solved now we can push on further misery: the first is about education, Peruvian education goes wrong worse, and I will make a specific post this thing, the latter would be with regard to public safety, we are on the doorstep of becoming another Mexico, perhaps we will not have terrorism by his father, but the number of thieves, trademarks and other similar bastards that kill you on a cell phone or some money, are increasing daily. Well my dear

here the reasons we vote and not vote for this china, and you decide, will post soon, God willing, another post where I describe the reasons for which to vote or not vote for Ollanta. See

to a new post, I'm going to visit my neighbor who is still

sweety XD

Friday, May 13, 2011

Brazilian Wax W Period


"Religion is suffering from an aggressive strategy of harassment and demolition!" He cautions, and suggests seven reasons why the subject should not disappear.

warned he would not talk on "key policy" and "at risk of being accused of scaremongering, but, yes," a direct and incisive. " And he did, putting, as he himself said, "the nail on the head from the beginning" and knowing that his words would know to-speech "politically incorrect", at least anticlerical secularist mentality. Bishop José Ignacio Munilla revealed the subtle as "aggressive" and dangerous strategy of secularism effectively cristianofóbico trying by all means charge the subject of Religion. And not only warned the clueless public school but also of formal education.

With a conference entitled "Subject of Religion in schools and other 'looms' ...", the Bishop of San Sebastián participated this morning in the Forum Europe-Tribune Euskadi held in Bilbao, in which Monsignor Mario Iceta , bishop of the local diocese, conducted the presentation.

"It's not just what is happening with the subject of Religion! The subject of religion is suffering from an aggressive strategy of harassment and demolition! Academic freedom and the same freedom of conscience are in danger! "Said the prelate Sebastian.

Confusion between "positive secularism" and "secularism"

to underpin the reasons for his complaint, Bishop distinguished between "positive secularism" and "secularism", explaining that it " adds a exclusionary and negative with respect to healthy secularism "and that" the problem is that it confuses secularism with secularism. "

Noting that the "secular state and public institutions, is neutral as between the various religious beliefs, and at the same time, collaboration with all of them as far as they contribute to the common good of society" and therefore "lay properly understood, is a guarantee of liberty, equality and coexistence," Munilla contrasted that secularism "part of a very different assumptions: secular state does not recognize the religious life of the citizens as well positive for the individual and society, which must be protected by public authorities. By contrast, the sensitivity considered a private, tolerable only in so far as it has no pretensions to permeate social life or influence it. Assumes that religions can not provide a set of common moral convictions able to support the coexistence in a pluralistic society. Rather, it is part of the false misconception that religions are a source of intolerance and challenges for peaceful coexistence. "

Consequently, he continued, "secularism means that religion should be confined to private life and has to be replaced in the public domain by a set of values \u200b\u200bas an identity 'of the democratic state, without any religious reference. "

"It is clear that these budgets secularists are full of prejudices and false are liable for some of the black legends that have been made against Christianity, in addition to unaware of the richness of Catholic social doctrine " .

The strategy of anti-Christian secularism, discuss your plans in stages

Some might qualify for Munilla saying "what is under discussion is not the kind of religion in itself but only its presence in the public school . " "Anyone who thinks such a thing is wrong," says the bishop, going to explain then, "who could be a little distracted," the strategy of radical secularism.

"The anti-Christian secularism is clever, and often have the" strategy "to discuss your plans in stages: first, legalization of abortion in extreme cases and moving, after a few years when they have" matured social conscience, abortion becomes recognized as a "right democratic "... and finally it ends up not even respect the right to conscientious objection for those who do not want to be partner of abortion."

"In the case of Religion class, I think it's going something like: you begin to put any kind of 'sticks' in the 'wheel' to the status of the subject (evaluable or not evaluable; trunk or secondary, with alternative or no alternative course, in school or extracurricular, etc, etc, etc) continues to vindicate their exclusion from the public school system on behalf of a misunderstood concept of 'secular school,' and be completed-a medium term, to force his departure from the teaching curriculum of the same private school. As I said earlier, the subject of religion is subject to real harassment ... What is at stake is not and their integration into the public system, but its very reason for being in formal education. "

Why "yes" the subject of Religion? Seven pedagogical reasons

Munilla But not only made a statement of denunciation of the problem but some expressed positive "pedagogical reasons underlying the need and rationale for the subject of religion in the education system."

The first: " The kind of religion is a right, not a privilege : On the basis of so much controversy on this subject, some Catholics may be dragging a kind of complex, as if they had made them believe that the presence Religion class in school, is reminiscent of the old regime in this democratic society. Quite the contrary: it is a right, recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. " Second

" The kind of religion is comparable or substitutable Catechesis: The subject of religion is intended primarily to intellectual, even with the distinction of being religious, while in Catechesis seeks to introduce students to the personal monitoring of Jesus Christ. "

Third, "kind of religion helps to understand the culture we have inherited: A young man can not understand the painting, music, sculpture, architecture, philosophy, history, politics, folklore, traditions ... in short, their own roots, if you do not know in depth the fundamentals of Catholicism. "

The fourth: "The Religion provides a worldview against the fragmentation of knowledge: Today there is a great "fragmentation" of human knowledge, accompanied by an over-accumulation of data, both in the scientific disciplines in the humanities. It is a fragmentation that has contributed significantly to the rise of a certain crisis of cultural identity, values \u200b\u200band certainties .... "

A fifth reason is that "religion responds to the meaning of life: A global education must respond to key questions about the meaning of our existence. What good is knowing the evolution the Universe, if nobody tells me why and what we're in this life? How can we justify human rights without accounting for the essential difference between the irrational animal and rational man? Can we talk of scientific optimism and society of the future, if we have based our hope in the beyond death .... "

The penultimate argument concerns the "Interreligious Dialogue : We are abundantly aware of the serious problem to world peace posed by fundamentalism. Every time we see more clearly that international stability, and even our lives together with a number of immigrants needs to be based on dialogue between religions. Now, you can only talk who has awareness and knowledge of its starting point. Otherwise, rather than an "alliance of civilizations", we are led to the disappearance of our own. "

Finally, "Moral Education: is clear that a complete education must include the moral dimension. Of little use in the accumulation of concepts in teaching, if there is a specific space in which to be educated in moral behaviors such as sincerity, solidarity, justice, respect, generosity ... This is another essential aspect of the subject of Religion, morality. "

A word to parents Anti-Religion in Euskal Herria

The bishop finally referred to the position taken by the Federation of Parent Teacher Associations of Euskal Herria, as opposed to religion can bid on public school association has sent letters to parents asking them not to enroll their children in this subject, so that those hours may be used for other compulsory.

"It's a pressure to bring the subject of Religion school hours, and ultimately de la escuela pública”, criticó el prelado.